Pediatric Otolaryngology
Ear, nose and throat conditions affect children of all ages. Our pediatric otolaryngologists, also known as ENTs, use advanced techniques to treat both common and rare conditions. As part of CGN EPENT, you have access to all the specialized resources of a children’s hospital.
Conditions that we normally treat for children are:
- Ear conditions. Common pediatric ear conditions can be as simple as an ear infections, Tympanostomy tubes, Cholesteatoma, hearing loss, ruptured eardrums, poor drainage or foreign bodies in the ear.
- Nasal Conditions. Common conditions include snoring in children, nasal mass, nasal obstruction, frequent nosebleeds, sinusitis, polyps, fractures, congenital deformities and foreign bodies.
- Mouth and Throat. Common conditions include Sleep apnea, sore throat and tonsillitis, oral cavity lesions or masses, tied tongue, cleft palate and bifid uvula.
- Airway Conditions. Common conditions include Laryngomalacia, Stridor, vocal cord conditions, Laryngeal tracheal stenosis, chronic cough, hoarseness and Laryngeal cleft.
Our professional providers at CGN EPENT will assist your child in treatments and ensuring they live a fulfilling life and moving past any diagnosis they have!